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Notes for Competitors



Printed and Digital Images may be manipulated, as the author feels appropriate, SUBJECT TO SPF COMPETITION RULE 7:

"Images entered must be entirely the work of the photographer. Composite images are permitted provided ALL component images meet this requirement. 
For the avoidance of doubt, of images from ANY OTHER source including, but not limited to, royalty-free image banks, textures and clipart are not permitted."

The Committee decreed that the above SPF Competition Rule 7 is incorporated into the BPS Competition Rules since the start of the 2015-16 season. If you have any queries, please ask, but bear in mind that we are affiliated to the SPF and very serious consideration has been given to this ruling by them, and it is unlikely to be changed in the foreseeable future.

By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as their own and permits the Brechin Photographic Society to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the competition. The Brechin Photographic Society assumes no liability for any misuse of copyright by the entrant.

Entrants should note that in this competition, entries must not include an additional colour. Toning entirely in a single colour is allowed. A print containing partial toning, or an additional colour, should be entered in colour or unrestricted print competitions. Members requiring further clarification should speak to the competition secretary.

Printed Images should be fixed to a mount with a backing card and held firmly in place with mounting tape. Mounts should be no larger than 500x400mm (20x16ins), whilst prints should be no smaller than A5 – 210x148mm (8.2x5.8ins). Please consult the Competition Secretary for advice on making or purchasing mounts.

Each print should have an appropriate TITLE on the back of the mount at TOP LEFT CORNER. In order that the same
mount can be used many times, the title may be written in pencil or on removable tape fixed to the back. There should be no other markings on the rear of the mount. The competitor's name must NOT be written on the mount, it must be on a separate sheet or on removable tape (so that the judge is marking the prints anonymously).

Prints should be submitted along with
(i) a separate entry paper bearing the competitor’s NAME and the TITLE of the image; and
(ii) an associated Projection Digital Image (PDI) File sent by e-mail.


Where appropriate, digital images should reflect the printed image as closely as is reasonably practicable with regard to cropping and proportions.

All Projected Digital Images should be submitted as JPEGs, as an attachment to an e-mail.  These images should be no larger than 10mb. Files are to be emailed to the competition secretary, please ensure you include the competitor's name and the title of the image. Files too large to send by email can be sent using WeTransfer, a free programme which is easy to use.

Competition Secretary e-mail:


Members are requested to submit their entries to the Competition Secretary on or before the date stated in the programme to allow sufficient time for cataloguing, delivery, viewing, and assessment by the judge. Images may not be submitted more than once for the club’s internal competitions with the exception of the Image of the Year where images may be reused but must have been taken in the previous calendar year; however, they may also be used for external or inter-club competitions such as the Angus Cup and John Senior Trophy.


Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy notice for Brechin Photographic Society


Brechin Photographic Society takes your privacy seriously. This privacy notice sets out how, why and for how long we will use your personal data. It also explains your legal rights as a data subject and how to exercise them.

What we need from you


When you register as a member of Brechin Photographic Society or renew your membership, we will ask you for the following personal information:


  • Contact details – e.g. name, address, email address and phone number.


By providing your e-mail address you agree to us contacting you by e-mail. This is our preferred method of contact as it reduces costs.


Why we need your personal information


We need to collect our members’ personal information for the purposes of the administration of the club, for communication purposes and to allow you to access the clubs online forum. We will not pass your personal information on to third parties.


How we protect your personal information


Your personal information is accessed by our Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman only for the purposes set out above. Paper membership/consent forms are shredded once details have been transferred to a single document stored in a password-protected format.


How long we keep your personal information


We only keep your personal information for as long as necessary to provide you with membership services. Unless you ask us not to, we will review and delete your personal information where you have not renewed your membership with us for one year.


You have a right to:


  • Change your communication preferences or restrict the processing of your personal data for specific purposes.

  • Request that we correct your personal data if you believe it is inaccurate or incomplete.

  • Request that we delete your personal information.

  • Access the personal data that we hold about you


You can contact us at (Secretary)


Policy Version 2.0 Brechin Photographic Society 2018






© 2025 by Brechin Photographic Society EST. 1888


​Registered Charity number SCO 053414

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