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Latest News and more Summer Outings

Latest News

The fine weather over the last month have hopefully offered many opportunities for photography. Hopefully the sunshine will return for forthcoming outings.

We had a meetup at Fowlsheugh on May 29th, which was really great fun, with several of the most photogenic of birds, the puffin, posing for members.

Brave BPS members perched on the cliff edge to get that perfect shot of the puffin in the blooming thrift and campion.

Last weekend, Hayley and I went to East Kilbride to look at the SPF Salon Exhibition, and attend the awards ceremony, where Hayley collected an award for her Honourable Mention, and also collect one on behalf of Andy Hayes who was unable to attend. The quality of work on display was terrific, and it is inspiring to look at the very best in amateur photography - and see several of our members' images in the exhibition.

Hayley is presented with her Honourable Mention from SPF President Hunter Kennedy

Coming Up

This coming weekend, Saturday 23rd June, a number of club members will be at the Drumtochty Highland Games. This event offers excellent photography opportunities, and might just give you an ideal image for this years' 'People' topic! More information can be found at the games' website here

Shortly after that we have another outing to the Isle of May - on the 8th July. It looks like there are still places available on the boat, so if you are keen to come along, please book directly on the May Princess from the website below.

We will do our best to offer advice and help to all members on the trip. The island is absolutely brilliant and there will be ample opportunities for seabird photography. Especially puffins!

The President's 12

Remember that for this season, the President's 12 will be split into two, with the first 'screening' on the 23rd October, covering April to Septembers topics. I have only received a small number of submissions to date, so keep them coming in!!

April - Circles

May - How High is Up

June - Golden Hour

July - Mirror Image/Reflection

August - Self-Portrait

September - The Camera Doesn't Lie

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© 2025 by Brechin Photographic Society EST. 1888


​Registered Charity number SCO 053414

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