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Annual Exhibition - Brechin Town House Museum

Brechin Photographic Society are preparing to hold their annual exhibition, which will run from the 4th May - 2nd June, in the Town House Museum, Brechin.


With only two club nights left this season, we ideally need your images by the 9th April, and a box will be provided at the club on the 2nd and the 9th for you to drop off your prints. Remember to mark your name and the title on the print in the normal way, and labels will be made for them for the exhibition.

A scene from last years' exhibition (the 130th anniversary of the club)

Each member is invited to submit up to two prints for the exhibition. The club owns picture frames that were made by Bert Fulton a number of years ago, and these take mounts 20" x 16" (although 40cm x 50cm do fit, they aren't perfect - but don't worry if your pictures are already in 40cm x 50cm mounts - it's barely noticeable once they are hung)

The brilliant staff at the museum will hang the pictures for the club, and they always make it look fantastic. There will also be a slideshow of the winning images from the season running on a loop on a projector.

The fabulous Town House Museum

If anybody has pictures that they want to display and have no ability to print them, please speak to Ben and he'll do his best to help out, for the cost of materials (£3 a print).

The exhibition is a great advertisement for the club, and something we want everyone to be involved in, so please do put pictures in. It also helps the museum, because it has always been popular with visitors, and as a club we feel we should be doing as much as we can within the Brechin community.

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to speak to any member of the committee, or email Ben or Hayley at the usual addresses.

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