New Forum Signing up and Logging In
Signing up and signing in.
We have a brand new forum and you can find it at at our new website it remains that access is for members only, so any topics started can only be read and replied to by other members of our club.
You will need to sign up afresh and need to sign in in order to access the forum. (Once we approve your membership you'll get an email confirming this. You should be ok to sign in from that point onwards)
Instructions on how to join:
Click forum tab on website menu you can locate this on the far right of the menu on a laptop, mac or desktop pc.
Or on mobile you can access the forum via the drop down menu and it will be the last listed page.
When you click the login/sign up button there are two things you can do, if signing up for the first time click the Login/Sign up button and then select Sign up as shown below
For those who are signing up for the first time you will see this next:
(see below)
Fill in your email address and password and retype your password again in the third box.
Then Click Go
We have transferred old topics to the new forum so feel free to continue conversations as listed in this category :
Topics From Old Forum
Collected posts from our previous forum, you may continue to post replies under these topics if you wish.
PLEASE NOTE: to make this forum most useful to everybody who joins we need you to post and reply to topics you will get no notifications on post updates unless you follow, post or reply to topics. The old forum topics are now locked and all postings will now need to continue on the new main website forum. This is in preparation for closing down the old forum entirely.