Final Summer Get-together
The new season is looming large on the horizon, but before that we have one final summer get-together. This coming Tuesday, the 14th, we will meet at 6:30pm in the car park by the St Andrews Church Hall, and head off to capture an image or two.
The aim of this walk is to try to take photographs that show a Unique View of Brechin. Try to take an image that nobody else will take!! We will then have a 'show and tell' feature on one of the members nights, where members can describe their photographs, why and how they took them, and what makes it unique.
A practical exercise in thinking outside the box and getting the creative juices flowing after a summer off (says the guy who's taken photos every day this year!!), but nevertheless intended to be fun and informative, with more experienced photographers on hand to offer help, advice and ideas.
Hope to see a good number of Members there on Tuesday!
Sign of the Times by Ian Suttie