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What will 2019 bring?

Well 2018 was over in a flash, if you'll excuse the photography pun. It was certainly a year to take many positives for Brechin Photographic Society, and the prospect for 2019 is exciting.

In just a couple of weeks we welcome Andy Hayes, our most decorated club member, to cast his judgement on our Rust competition, and decide the outcome of the Annual Image Competition for each of the three divisions. Maybe the idea of a 'Rusty Nail' is appropriate for the New Year festivities (picture from Peter Reilly)

The 15th January is also the date for submissions of your images for "Print of the Year" - remember that this year entries are limited to just 3 prints - either 2 mono and 1 colour, or 1 mono and 2 colour - your choice. This is to make the judging process more reasonable due to the high number of entries.

Not long after that, we need your entries for the Main Project, on the 29th January. This is 12 PDIs on a theme, including a title image.

In addition to this, if you have images that you'd like to be considered for the Angus Cup and John Senior Trophy competitions (an annual interclub competition between Brechion, Mearns, Carnoustie CC, Carnoustie PG and Kirriemuir), please submit them to me at by the 15th January too.

Donald Ford will again be visiting the club on the 5th February, so please do bring a couple of prints with you for his expert appraisal. It was a great evening last season and one I'm sure you will all enjoy again.

With all these competitions and appraisals coming up, I'd urge anyone with images they'd like to be featured in the next issue of the club magazine to send full resolution versions to Hayley ASAP. She puts a huge amount of effort into producing such a fine magazine, but without input from members it cannot happen, so please do get involved!

After that we will again be seeking participation in external competitions, the Scottish Salon and the SPF Portfolios.

Above all, I'd like to wish everyone the very best for 2019, and hope it brings much success to you with your cameras. As always, if you have any photography or camera related questions or ideas for club nights, please come and speak to me or any one of the Committee.

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