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Thank You!!

Thank you to everyone who came along to the AGM last night, which we got over and done with in record time, enabling us to move onto the annual prize giving and then our inaugural club auction and raffle.

Firstly, congratulations to the prize winners from last night.

l-r - Jock Elliott (most improved), James Anderson (Div 1), Iain McLachlan (Main Project), Hayley-Jane Stanley (Colour and Mono Prints of the Year), Ben Freeman (Div 2), Sally Mack (Mini Panel) and Andrew Hall (Div 3).

Secondly, a massive thank you to everyone who participated in the auction and/or raffle. You have been incredibly generous with donations of photography gear, books, and raffle prizes that we smashed all expectations and made a staggering £1,033 last night for the club, with some small items still to try to sell on ebay to increase that slightly more.

The costs of running a club continue to rise, and in particular the cost of quality judges and speakers. The total number of members has fallen slightly in the last few years, but that is no justification to provide a lesser quality of syllabus or club environment for such an enthusiastic membership. Projected figures were suggesting a potentially significant loss next season, but this has been wiped out due to last night.

On behalf of the committee, we'd like to thank you all again for your contribution to this! The club is in a very strong position, and I am quite sure that next season is going to be brilliant.

We have two more members' nights to go before we break for the summer months, so we look forward to seeing you all back on the 2nd and 9th April.

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