Guest Speaker Tuesday 17th October
Our guest speaker Ian McCurrach from Aberdeen will share his introduction to composition with us this Tuesday night. Ian has spent many...

Open Competition 2017 Winners
Many thanks to Stewart Dodd LRPS from Dundee for coming along to judge our open competition last night and for his constructive critique....
Open Competition 10th OCT Judged By Stewart Dodd LRPS
Ken raised some interesting topics last week - RAW vs JPEG, Back button focusing, Exposure lock button, Using Auto ISO While Mark gave...
Next Week at BPS: 3rd October 2017
With our Portrait competition coming up in November we have a talk on October 3rd by our Vice President Mark Hughes on Portrait...
Techniques and Workflow with Peter Paterson FRPS MPAGB MFIAP
A very big thank you to Peter Paterson for his talk tonight on techniques and workflow from Adode Bridge through to Camera RAW through...