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Upcoming Competition Entries

Competitions will start to come thick and fast at BPS over the coming months, and a number of people have asked over the last few days about the mini panel in particular, so this news post aims to give some additional information/clarification.


The submission date for the 'Architecture' competition is the 16th October. For Divisions 1 and 2 this is a Print competition, so prints can be submitted either on the 9th or the 16th, in the box provided at the back of the hall. Please also remember to email a PDI file to Ben at of the same image, for projection at the club on judging night. This also needs to be submitted by the 16th. For Division 3 members, only the PDI image is required.

In this instance, there is a short turnaround for getting images to the judge, so no late entries can be accommodated. We generally try to be flexible with entries, but this is early warning that the deadline is strictly the 16th October this time.

Any questions, please ask Ben or email

Mini Panel

The submission date for the Mini Panel is the following week - the 23rd October. The Mini Panel is a panel of 6 images which should be submitted as 6 PDIs to Ben at These should be numbered 1 to 6 (in the filename) and the panel will be prepared by Ben. The judge will be provided with the 6 images and the panel. The panels will be arranged in 2 rows of three, as shown below.

Based on previous years' judging, it is worth thinking about the shape of your images - the panel will work best if all the images are the same aspect ratio, or at least symmetrical.

The judge is Steve Whittaker from Arbroath, and he will not be scoring the panels, but rather offering his constructive critique and picking his top 3. In this respect there is no need to fear the competition - if you haven't entered this or any competition before - have a go. Steve is an excellent photographer and very constructive and helpful with his advice, so it's always a really positive evening.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Ben. Last years' top 3 are shown below as an example.

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