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President's 12 - A Call to Arms

We have our Open competition judging this Tuesday and then a guest speaker the following week, David Sadler (which will be great entertainment).

However, on the 23rd October we are showing the first 6 months submissions for the President's 12. Last year we showed all 12 months together, and it was a great fun evening, albeit a little rushed. Based on it being such a success, we hoped for even more participation this year and agreed to split it into two nights to be able to spend more time on images.

Circles? Anyone got anything weirder?

However, submissions have been somewhat slow thus far - although we have some really good images which I'm sure everyone will enjoy seeing. I'm hopeful that some of you are collating 6 months of images and will submit them soon - but please leave Ben a couple of days at least to prepare for the 23rd - there are a lot of competition entries to process at this time of the season too. He'll need the images by the 21st at the very latest.

Even if you only have one or two images, put them in, you don't need to do a whole set of six months. If you can't choose between images - put them both in. It's meant to be fun and an opportunity to submit something you might not otherwise put into a competition scenario. The 'rules' are very vague!

Below is a synopsis from the President about the first six months, which was circulated by email recently too. If you are a new member - have a go!!

President’s 12 – Part 1 April to September 2018

Our President has chosen 12 topics, one for each month of the year, for us to come up with photos that both fit and maybe even challenge those topics by looking at them and approaching them in an original way.

As we have now split the President’s 12 into two halves, there is more time for members to really pull out the stops and think creatively. This is an opportunity for everybody to go “off grid” with their ideas and not worry about affecting their scores during normal competitions.

Ben will collate all the images beforehand and sort them into each month. As each image appears, we would love to hear from each photographer what was their thinking behind that image. If, of course, you want to keep quiet, we will understand.

Here are the subjects for the first half: -

The topics are:-

  1. Circles (April)

  2. How High is Up (May)

  3. Golden Hour (June)

  4. Mirror Image/Reflection (July)

  5. Self-Portrait (August)

  6. The Camera Doesn’t Lie (September)

Now at first, they might again seem daunting, and that’s the point.

“Circles” is open to many interpretations as is “How High is Up”.

“Golden Hour” is the photographers' dream light scenario and surely doesn’t need explaining.

“Mirror Image/ Reflection” we've all tried it, see if you can come up with something new.

“Self-Portrait” an idea that makes some of us squirm. Again, though challenge the concept and don’t be afraid to think outside the box!

“The Camera Doesn’t Lie”. Oh yes, it does! Never more so than with the development of Photoshop, a word that has gone into the English language by virtue of its ability to distort the truth!

Do, please, join in. Some of us have used this chance to practice skills that were new to us but would not have consequences in competitions. Be bold, don't just take snaps. Try out something new! Most of all have fun!

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